Community Focused
The Power of Christ to Overcome
Do you believe that Christ has the power to overcome abuse? How can God transform the life of a person?
The power to overcome abuse focuses on how God works in difficult situations and our ability to overcome adversity through His help. Liz Millican delivers her testimony in an uplifting and encouraging way. It can be used for outreach purposes, congregational encouragement or to start a conversation about abuse.
Healing from Life’s Traumas
Do you or someone you know experience feelings of anger, resentment, bitterness or shame?
Healing from life’s traumas provides tools for dealing with the painful aspects of life. Whether you’re struggling yourself or want to help someone heal from the pain in life.
You can understand how to uncover pain that lies beneath the surface and how to bring Christ into the conversation in a healing way.
How are you for real?
A program that reaches out to the community and helps build bridges for those suffering from mental health problems and loneliness.
Leadership Focused
Bystander Prevention
Abuse often goes undetected in communities because victims experience denial, shame or fear that prevent them from coming forward. Liz can teach you how to identify people who are most at risk of abuse and how to have conversations that make the disclosure of abuse easier for the victim.
This talk can also be tailored towards teen or college age students to help them distinguish between high-risk and low-risk situations as well as distinguishing between high-risk and low-risk people.
Learning about bystander intervention can help your entire community take steps in preventing abuse.
Dealing with Sexual Sin
In a culture that endorses sex before marriage, how can we encourage others to wait till marriage for sex? How do we approach conversations with someone who has failed to wait?
Jesus always responded with compassion to those who recognized their sin. Jesus knew the hearts of the people and what motivated their behaviour. Understanding and uncovering motives can guide the way that we talk about leaving sexual sin. Liz Millican can help you get to the heart of the issue whether it’s sexual abuse, sexual coercion, willful sexual sin or someone experiencing spiritual warfare.
Church Growth
Creating an Environment for Outreach Develop a mission mindset within your church. Address barriers to outreach for church leaders or for the church community as a whole. We utilize relationships with various organizations to help churches fulfill their unique calling and mission in their area.
Equip church members with tools for outreach, recognizing spiritual gifts, conflict resolution and more! Contact for details.
For additional services please contact us.